Monday, January 26, 2009

"After 25 yrs.of living off-the-grid, I was getting messages that it’s time to reintegrate into mainstream society and give back a little bit."



In his fifties, Jerry Bartels decided he wanted to fulfill a dream...go back and finish college.  
When he completed his Masters degree, he left behind 25 years of living an off-grid, 'hippie' lifestyle and took on a School counseling job in the town of Moses Lake, Washington.  Prior to this, Jerry's longest job anywhere had lasted just two years. He loved working with elementary school kids but after 6 years he felt anxious for a change...and a more unplanned life.

" I see the school system as a conveyer belt for people.  They go to school and they come off on a belt prepared to have a job in society.  I just don't quite fit, and never have quite fit in with that scenario..."

To find out about Jerry's latest life changing decision, look for the opening of "Back to the Garden, flower power comes full circle".
due to be released in the Spring of 2009.

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