There was no shortage of local 'buzz' surrounding our film at Bend with a tremendous outpouring of emotion at the Saturday morning show. The Festival committee had scheduled "Garden" for a single showing but following the huge turnout immediately booked a second show during the 'best of fest' screenings on Sunday.
"Back to the Garden" narrowly missed receiving the Bendfilm Audience Award falling just a few votes short to place second overall. Yikes!!
We had the awesome company of our friends and main subjects of our film: OnePine and Deborah Vester (who drove 6 hours plus down from Chesaw and Bellevue, WA.) along with local Bend filmmaker/editor Tim Cash and his wife Yuvia and 2 sons at the screening.
Big hugs and Kisses to the Bendfilm staff who made us feel like 'VIP' Filmmakers all weekend!
A HUGE thanks to our Bendfilm hosts Steve and Judy McCoy who taxied us all over, fed us and made the whole weekend such a pleasure.
Local News coverage:
"Back to the Garden" ...one of the Bend Film Fest Picks.
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