Judy reluctantly stayed home to pack for our upcoming move. OnePine met me in Nevada City to represent our film...and I'm so glad she came to California. What a perfect place to show it. Lots of mature flower children now living in Nevada County who've moved there from the San Francisco Bay Area...(ca. 2 hours from Berkeley). "A hotbed of Progressives" Skeeter called it. Also Home to Kerouac Pal and Beat Poet/Icon, Gary Snyder. (Who through a mutual friend has a copy of our film.)
I was initially a little concerned that because of our very early scheduled screening at 9:30 on a Sunday morning, we might have trouble attracting a crowd...But it turned out to be an overflow crowd of over 200 with standing room only! Wow. That was a relief and to hear such genuine enthusiasm and laughter from the audience throughout the screening was a delight.
They really were moved and taken with our story and there was obvious excitement when the lights came up and the crowd saw OnePine. She had a great time at the festival...and was thrilled to have her oldest daughter, Yava and husband in attendance. They were proudly introduced to the crowd who hung on OnePine's every word...
"All the women in the Ladies Room were talking up your film" another filmmaker told me.
That's a good sign, I said. And it is. Women really relate to our film. Men love it too but there's
so much intimacy that's shared during the film that other women so identify with.
It was great to have OnePine to share the excitement and warmth of Wild and Scenic.
She's a terrific spokesperson for our film, enjoys coming out and meeting new audiences, is completely herself and comfortable with people..and they feel that and it comes right back.
Finally, I want to acknowledge our Wild and Scenic hosts for their warmth, generosity, tight organization and execution of the festivals dizzing details and demands...and for making us feel welcome, honored and important while we were there. You guys rock. Right down to the volunteers who drove us an hour each way to and from the Sacramento Airport.
To my wonderful home away from home, Sandra Rockman and her husband Tony for letting me stay with them during the fest...fed me home-made granola and yogurt, got me there on time, told me family stories...Really made me feel like family. It was a pleasure being with you!
Next up: The Sebastapol Documentary Film Festival in Sebastapol, CA. (March 5-7th)
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